Bal Ganesh 2, a sequel to much-acclaimed animation movie Bal Ganesh (2007) directed by Pankaj Sharma, will have its nation-wide release on October 23 with 200 prints including digital under the banner of Shemaroo Entertainment and Astute Media Vision, said a press release. A heroic tale of Lord Ganesh as a child, Bal Ganesh 2 will see baby Lord Ganesh battle with wicked and powerful demons like Gajamukhasur, and compete with the Maharshi Vyasa. The overwhelming response to Bal Ganesh prompted us to consider a sequel and here it is.
We have been consistently delivering strong animation content and we are glad that Bal Ganesh 2 is the first Indian animation release of 2009. said Smita Maroo, vice president (animation), Shemaroo Entertainment. Director Pankaj Sharma said that the movie will be a visual delight for people of all ages. There are quite a few pleasant surprises awaiting all Bal Ganesh fans. We had great fun working on this film. We are certain that kids and families will enjoy watching this film. The movie has vocals by known names like Sukhwinder Singh, Suresh Wadkar and Neeraj Sridhar. Music is composed by Shamir Tandon.
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